Playing Your Part- Creating Ecosystems of Effectiveness - CMO Panel Discussion

In an era where collaboration and interconnectedness define success, understanding the business ecosystem's- and your role within it - is paramount.

An effective ecosystem that can enable success extends far beyond traditional channel partners. It encompasses all the stages from product design to market delivery, including testing, sourcing, and customer advocacy. Today- marketing success extends beyond the traditional marketing team function- everyone must play their part.

This panel will discuss:

- A new dynamic

- WHO is involved in an effective ecosystem in todays business landscape?

- Why are the development of ecosystems so important to today’s marketing strategies?

- What challenges can arise from so many moving parts-both internally and externally?

- Participation vs Ownership

- Why being an effective participant is as critical as owning the process.

Speakers: Tony Miller, Former CMO at Weight Watchers, Ankeeta Deb, Growth Marketing EMEA at Aon, Swagat Choudhury, Global Director-Digital at Mars,Deon Pillay, Head of Marketing Operations at Legal & General & Toni Allen, Chief Engagement & Growth Officer at IET