Speaking with Bosch UK’s Head of Political Affairs & Government Relations, Eman Martin-Vignerte

Mar 2021

Eman is a powerhouse in her industry, holding B.S and M.S. degrees in electrical and Medical engineering, six years of experience in Software and hardware engineering in the automotive industry she is also Vice-Chair at CBI Thames Valley and board member of Local enterprise partnership Buckinghamshire and sits on the advisory board for UK5G. 

It was Eman’s father that inspired her to become an engineer. That inspiration paired with her passion for problem-solving was the catalyst that prompted her to pursue a career in STEM. After studying, Eman went on to work within software engineering. Starting at Bosch in software and hardware development in 1999, she has moved up the ranks gaining a director position in 2010 which she has held since. She is now Head of Political Affairs and Government Relations at Bosch UK. 

Eman is passionate about encouraging more women and young girls to pursue a career in STEM and explains how this starts with encouragement from an early age. Eman also discusses the value of finding a strong mentor when it comes to growing within your career and gives advice on how to find the best mentor for you.     

When asking Eman what achievement she is most proud of in her career, she explained how using the word proud doesn’t sit right with her and that she feels more grateful for her success and achievements. Something which is extremely humbling and refreshing to hear from someone who has achieved so much.

Talking to Eman was truly a delight and I feel so inspired by her career journey. Check out the full interview below.