Speaking with Aker Solutions’ VP of Transformation, Nada Ahmed

Sep 2021

This week we sat down with Nada Ahmed, the Vice President of Transformation at Aker Solutions. Nada was featured in the 2020 list of Top 50 Women in Technology in Norway and shares some valuable insights with regards to her career in technology and transformation. 

Aker Solutions delivers integrated solutions, products and services to the global energy industry. They enable low-carbon oil and gas production and develop renewable solutions to meet future energy needs. By combining innovative digital solutions and predictable project execution they accelerate the transition to sustainable energy production. From our conversation it was clear that Nada was passionate about the environment and working hard on the transition from traditional to renewable forms of energy at Aker Solution. 

Alongside her role at Aker Solutions Nada is also very productive in her industry, for example she’s currently serving as the Board Director at Greig Maritime Group. Nada is also head of the board of the Polytechnical society Digital Leadership Community and, on top of this, regularly hosts LIVE events on LinkedIn to connect with those in her network. Nada explains how she is constantly working on her transformation journey both professionally and personally with this being clear to see through the way she is continually bettering herself but also using her insights and knowledge to help and educate others through the work she does both in her communities and online.

In this interview, Nada discusses her passion for Agile leadership as well as Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace. Nada explains why she believes this to be so important when building a team and also gives advice on how to manage a diverse team and how to get the work culture right. As well as this, she expresses her passion for encouraging other females into tech and STEM careers, giving advice of how and where to get started. 

Nada talks about how important it is to recognise and appreciate different leadership traits that are different from tradition which can be brought to the table through introducing more women into leadership roles. She talks about her own leadership style and how she aims to lead her teams by example, showing them that it’s okay to be unsure and ask for others help.

In this interview, we also discuss Nada’s career to date, how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected her industry and the exciting projects she has coming up at Aker. Check out the video or podcast to hear the full interview.