Speaking with 3M’s EMEA Marketing Operations Manager, Vicente Lombardia

Oct 2021

It was a pleasure to have the chance to sit down and interview Vicente Lombardia, the Marketing operations manager of EMEA at 3M. Vicente not only is extremely knowledgeable and inspiring in his field but also has a contagious positive outlook on life which he uses to lead his team at 3M. 

In this interview, we discuss Vicente’s role as Marketing Operations Manager of EMEA and how important it is to ensure that you build a strong relationship with your customers with honest and unbiased feedback no matter how vast or diverse a region you’re covering. Vicente explains how he and his team implement strategies to do just this and how they go about gathering feedback to ensure their customers’ needs are being met.

Vicente also explains how the covid-19 pandemic has impacted his industry and the steps the team at 3M took to provide valuable online content to their customers throughout the pandemic, offering support throughout the toughest times. We also talk about the transition to online webinars and events, with Vicente explaining how this was very much a trial and error process during the first part of the pandemic but through perseverance, this has now become a successful strategy that will continue regardless of covid as there have been so many benefits to come of it.

As well as his work at 3M, Vicente is extremely passionate about fitness and wellbeing and discusses how this positively impacts all aspects of his life, including professional. Vicente regularly promotes different healthy lifestyle habits on his training blog and website https://lifewarrior.fit/, which is designed to encourage those with busy lifestyles to incorporate exercise into their routine in easy steps. Vicente tells me how important having a work-life balance is, knowing when to take time out and do something for yourself. An example of this is an initiative Vicente helped to implement at 3M where employees are encouraged to try different exercises and sports, this not only helps build bonds within a team but also promotes a healthy work culture, which Vicente would recommend any company. 

To find out more about Vicente, learn from his insights and hear his predictions for the future of his industry go to the full interview or podcast below.