Connect, Collaborate, Share and Learn-In Person Events are back

On the evening of February 3rd, Inspired Business Media brought together forty thought leaders from the UK Technology sector at The Landmark, London, to discuss how the continued innovation of technology can drive our economy forward.

Technology played a critical role during the pandemic and enabled our businesses and society to continue to push forward, even in the face of great adversity. There’s never been a more suitable time to connect and generate new ideas to continue innovating across every industry to build back better.

During this event, the first of the Industry Thinkers series, business professionals discussed how to support a digital-first environment to build a better economy and a society for the future. Discussions took place in the form of intimate roundtables over a luxury three-course meal and drinks. Roundtable topics included Developing a Security Strategy for a Digital-First World, How the Growing Cloud Economy is Driving Innovation and Fuelling Job Creation and The Evolution of the Digital Built Environment. One roundtable, sponsored by Tata Communications, centred around Successful Strategies to Accelerate the Hybrid Digital Workplace in 2022 & Beyond, discussed how technology leaders have adapted to the hybrid workplace during the pandemic, the challenges they’ve faced and how the future of business collaboration looks to them.

Shaped by the Inspired Business Media Executive Network, the Industry Thinkers attendees included top technology leaders from diverse industries such as the financial services, public sector, retail and space exploration. Attendees included Co-Op’s Technology Transformation Director, Jeremy Butler, Satellite Application Catapults’ Head of IT and Business Systems Leia Mills, Mott McDonald’s Chief Digital Officer Darren Russell and more.

Keynote Speakers for the evening, Dax Grant, CEO at Global Transform and Greg Williams, Editor-in-Chief at WIRED UK, shared their learnings from the past two years, the trends and challenges they have seen and how we can move forward to be more resilient than ever.

So what did our executives think? Managing Associate and Global AI Lead at Simmons and Simmons, Minesh Tanna, commented on the diverse industry backgrounds of fellow attendees, which he says made for a richer experience, while CTO at RIBA, Avril Chester, highlighted how coming together and knowledge sharing with peers in this format is extremely valuable in driving the industry forward.

Alongside the brand new Industry Thinkers series, Inspired Business Media have launched the Industry Thinkers online magazine, a periodical showcasing the latest technology, trends insights and news from our network of forward-thinking technology Executives. In the debut issue, the Industry Thinkers magazine shares insights from some of the top technology Thought Leaders in the UK. CTO at SHL, Mark Brincat speaks about the partnership between people and tech, Water Aids’ IT Director, Stuart Wilson tells us how we can transform our technology roadmaps to enable global growth and Southwark’s Digital Infrastructure Programmes Manager, Davina Fell shares her insights on why digital adoption is key to a thriving society.

Tata Communications Hybrid Workplace Solutions Director, Will Chadwick also shares his insights into hybrid working has the power to transform, creating ‘one-touch workspaces’ for ease of working and team collaboration and making the most of your enterprise mobile strategy to streamline communications while ensuring your digital workspace is secure.

To find out more about upcoming Industry Thinkers and