Are B2B events still relevant?

With the world of events (and every other industry for that matter) being turned on its head as a result of the pandemic you may be wondering if investing in B2B events is worth it. Furthermore, are B2B events still relevant after the events of 2020?

Organising a B2B event is an investment and you may be thinking you can generate leads and put your product or service in front of the right people in other ways. While this is correct, events still remain one of the best ways to reach business goals and are, on the whole, much more effective than simply just using pure-digital channels such as email, product demos and website lead generation. 

The fact is any kind of event, executed correctly, is an excellent way to increase brand recognition and put your product or service in front of the relevant people. While physical events were put on hold the industry quickly adapted to facilitate the same conversations and networking opportunities on virtual platforms such as Virtual Roundtables and Webinars. The adaptation of the B2B events industry during the last year is testament to how business professionals and service providers alike will always find value in those face to face interactions that B2B events provide, be them virtual or physical. After all, 77% of decision makers say they found at least one new solution provider at the last event they attended, so whatever kind of event you choose to organise it’s going to help you get those clients.  

Sebastian Jespersen, CEO of Vertic, describes participation in digital B2B events as “easy and empowering”, stating that the flexible and collaborative nature of these kinds of events allows participants to ask questions and communicate ideas in an organic and informal way, which in turn create rich conversations. However, this doesn’t mean that physical events will no longer be relevant. 80% of virtual event attendees say they are eager to get back to attending physical events within the next 12 months. 

As a result of the success of virtual events during the last year, many trend forecasters see hybrid events as being the next big thing in the B2B events space. This model pairs a physical event with the option to access content, network and meet with peers virtually.  68% of business leaders say that hybrid B2B events will be a powerful tool in connecting with target accounts in 2021 and beyond as it provides attendees with the flexibility to attend an event in a way that suits them. 

With the possibility of limited capacity for attendees at venues due to post covid restrictions, many organizations looking to organize B2B events may turn to a more intimate approach to bring together thought leaders and target accounts. Events such as luxury networking dinners, where participants can discuss challenges and trends in their industry in an intimate setting.  This setting eliminates the logistics of handling large crowds of people while still facilitating physical networking and meetings. 

After the success of virtual events during the pandemic we now have a plethora of ways in which marketers can use their events budget to generate leads, meet target accounts and get their brand in front of the right people. This means that you can make a more considered decision when it comes to designing an event that will create the results you want. 

In conclusion, B2B events are still one of the best ways to engage with your target prospects and forge those lasting relationships. Nothing seems to come close to the face to face conversations that this marketing strategy creates, be them in person or online. The need to keep events alive during the pandemic evidence of this.  Simply speaking, putting a face to a brand, product or service builds trust between you and your prospective clients, resulting in genuine relationships. 

For information on how you can create the perfect event for your organization to generate the leads and business you need get in touch with Inspired Business Media today.